The next chapter is on time management. It is pretty straightforward, and I have nothing to say other than I do waste a lot of time when I should be arting and writing.
I finished a painting earlier this week (see previous post), and then I ran out of steam. Furthermore, I haven't been journaling at all this week. I tried to do what the author encourages -- to sit down and write even when you don't have anything to say. I did that last night and wrote about a paragraph and then doodled on the page. I guess doodling is good. I recall reading somewhere that doodling is the mind working things out right before some wonderful creation is manifested. Let's hope. I would hate to think that this program was for nothing.
So let this blog post serve as my journaling practice for today. My hope is to read the final chapter of the book this week and finish it before Easter. That was my original goal, to read the book for Lent, and I think I might just accomplish that.
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