Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Beginning

Why am I starting this blog? There are several reasons.

First, I have been a blogger for many years and I had always approached blogging in an intuitive, evolving manner which, though quite spontaneous and amenable to experimentation, led me to end up up with a several different blogs on a variety of interests. I am one person of many interests. Why should my blog not be as well?

Second, I was a member of an international writers group for a number of years where I honed my blogging skills. Although I had an absolutely marvelous time, that group is no longer active and I find that I now need to set out on my own and learn to write without the aid of daily prompts. And what better way to inaugurate this new direction than with a new blog.

Finally, I am involved in an women’s mixed-media online group, Wild Precious, and right now we are working, as a group, through Patti Digh’s book, Life is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally. The practice of a frequent, regular writing routine does move one to live more mindfully and intentionally, and it seems somewhat serendipitous that we started working through Digh’s book on November 1, which is the same day I created this blog.

It just seems right.

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