I confess: Sometimes I watch paranormal shows on tv. Mostly, I watch the shows with goofy ghost investigators because they are such amusing characters, their shows are truly entertaining, and that most likely what we see is not really what is true.
In spite of my skepticism regarding these shows, I want to go on record to say that I do believe in paranormal phenomena, and because of this, I will never participate in a real paranormal investigation.Before I explain this statement, let me share my thoughts about how I perceive most paranormal phenomena. First, I think that most phenomena that are deemed "paranormal" can be debunked. I think most sounds and sightings investigators experience are the result of misinterpreted natural phenomena. The next time Grant says "Did you hear that? What the frig with that?", I wish Jason would say "Dude, that was the bean burrito I had for lunch." Physical phenomenon with a logical explanation, for sure.
Second, I think that there are some phenomena that have natural explanations that we just can't explain YET. For example, when the ghost-guys on tv speak about "residual haunts", I wonder if there is some truth to the theory that physical substances like stone and wood can absorb and play back the energy from strong emotional events. Also, I suspect that there is some truth to assertion that high electro-magnetic fields affect sensitive people. What sensitives perceive as paranormal is really a psycho-physiological reaction to physical energy. Finally, I have my own theory that the timestream might bend and fold in such a way that what some people perceive as ghosts are really backward looks at actual events seen through these folds in time. I wonder what a quantum physicist would have to say about this. Maybe there might be research in this area someday. In the meantime, I truly appreciate legitimate investigators who use empirical scientific methods to gather and analyze data on such phenomena and are looking for natural explanations.All this being said, I believe there is some phenomena that cannot be debunked or scientifically explained. I believe there is something out there that constitutes true spiritual hauntings of places and people.
However, I don't believe that those entities doing the haunting are the spirits of departed humans who just want to come back and visit their earthly homes and loved ones. To me it is not logical that any respectable specters are going to want to be anywhere but partying up there behind the Pearly Gates. I base this on my faith tradition that states "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" and that those who have had a taste of the good-life in the after-life are not going to be flitting around down here in this mucky, nasty old world. Therefore, if those folks are up in heaven, what does that leave skulking around down here in those haunted houses? Nothing that I want to be dealing with!I get really nervous when I watch the tv ghost busters do "EVP" (electronic voice phenomena) sessions. I know they want to stir up entities in order to capture digital recordings of "voices", but I wonder if they realize how dangerous these entities might be? I believe spirits can attach themselves to willing humans and follow them home. Who wants this? I sure don't. I can't be certain about all religious traditions, but I know that the big three monotheistic ones urge their followers not to speak to spirits. Stirring up spirits is deemed so dangerous to the entire community that severe punishments are reserved for those who do. Personally, I think thousands of years of wisdom on this matter are not something to ignore.
I mean no disrespect to any person’s belief system. All I can tell you is what I believe and why. I stated earlier that I watch paranormal reality shows on tv. In reflecting on what I have just written here, now I wonder if even that is not such a good idea.ljgloyd (c) 2011
You know, Lori, this is why I, too, will not actually go ghost hunting. And, frankly, if someone tried to bring something like a Ouiji board into my house, I would toss it, and them, out as quickly as I could.
ReplyDeleteWhile I keep an open mind about ghosts, and think that there is far more to this world than we can see, you can't see what sort of spirit you might be communicating with, and the odds are that the ones who want to talk to you are not the sort you SHOULD talk to. (Sort of like, "Come with me and I'll give you candy, little kid," but instead of kids being the target, it's anyone who has the poor judgement to try to contact them.)
And when it comes to time slippages, I think they are very, very possible, and "recordings", especially of highly emotionally charged events.
Nice post.
Thanks, Jane. I agree with you on the Ouiji boards. I think they can open the door to some major negative influences.
ReplyDeleteInteresting piece, Lori. I totally believe in spirits but I have no plans to ever contact them. They have their place in time and I have mine. I feel that to mix their time frame with mine would be nothing short of a disaster.
Food for thought! First of all, some of these hunts bother me because of the emphasis they put on exploring " Haunted Insane Hospitals ". I mean, what a message. If you had mental problems in life, you have them through eternity?
ReplyDeleteI'm all about giving people the chills, but that's a cheap shot.
I agree 100% with that. And sometimes those guys are really disrespectful to, at the very least, the living families of the dead people that are speaking to when they do the evp sessions.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for "haunted hotels", I wonder if sometimes the hotel owners might rig things for the ghost-guys to find just for the publicity. A lot of people are willing to pay big money to stay the night in a haunted hotel.