The picture I post here I am simply tossing out for your consideration and is open to whatever interpretation you care to give it.
Several years ago, I had brunch with several friends in the Grand Salon on the Queen Mary which now has her permanent home in California. The Grand Salon, along with many other areas of the ship, are reportedly haunted. I snapped this photo in the Salon during our meal. I have circled in red a brilliant blue-white orb. You might explain the orb as a pixilated dust particle or a reflection from all the glass and brass. However, this orb seems to have an inner glow which dust orbs lack and a clearly defined shape which a reflection would not have.
Perhaps it is a spirit drawn to the lovely music being strummed by the harpist. Who knows?
ljg (c) 2011. Originally posted 2006, 2007
I shall have to show this photo to my friends in the paranormal investigations group. I like the concept of the org being attracted by the melodious harp. That would be my guess. Great blog, by the way. I love it all!